065. Landlording & Building An International Real Estate Portfolio w/ Becky Nova

If you are curious about how to build a real estate portfolio on your own terms in multiple countries you have to meet Becky Nova! Becky Nova owns and manages property both in America and in the Dominican Republic.  As founder of Lady Landlords she is also passionate about helping women achieve financial independence. In our time together we dive into :

– Living abroad and working in the Cancer research field and how she landed into the world of Real Estate.
–  Working through discomfort in the early days ( and failing in business) in the process of building her portfolio.
–  Realizing your values : working through a list of contractors, brokers, and attorneys in the world of R.E.
–  Running a facebook group of over 25,000 women in Real Estate : tackling the challenges of providing massive value to a large group of people.
– Her favorite incentives to keep tenants motivated ( open communication and systems ).

and so much more!

Connect with Becky : https://www.lady-landlords.com/

Connect with me: https://www.instagram.com/theoliverperryshow/

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